2008년 3월 28일

Better Advertising

Resolution: Better Advertising
Twelve smart suggestions for improving your marketing efforts in 2007

Original article

From this article, I could learn several important points in marketing and advertising.
The author gives me twelve suggestions for improving marketing effort.
These are twelve points
1. I will avoid exclamation points.
2. I won't say "make my logo bigger."
3. I won't spam.
4. I will give my advertising a chance to work.
5. I won't be all things to all people.
6. I won't project my media habits on my customers.
7. I will be more open to taking risks.
8. I will not discount.
9. I will not promote my competition.
10. I will have the courage to overrule the research.
11. I will not let lawyers write my copy.
12. I will not pollute.

I think I can make a better advertising by keeping these rules. Many advertising manager suffer from an obsession about advertisements. They always try to make their products famous all the time. However, it’s the era which has a flood of an advertisement. To advertise more and more at this kind of situation makes the customer exhausted. In the point of an advertising manager, it would be a promotion of the product or the company. But at the point of a customer, it makes the customer turn their back to somewhere. After all, those advertisements would be a spam mail like a duck to water. I think marketers have to have a respect attitude. Successful marketers have to respect their customers who are watching their advertisement. But many of the marketers give customers short change, and give an exaggerated advertisement. Then, all that advertising they do will have no effect whatsoever. However, it doesn't means that the advertising managers need to be passive. To be a successful manager need to be an adventurously manager. If there is no risk, it is same as any other advertisers. So, to be unique and successful and attractive manager, some risk must be run. At this article, Bill Bernbach, the father of the '60s-era creative revolution in advertising, said, "All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize society or we can help lift it to a higher level." We have to lead the mass media, and then we can lead the society. So, we have to try to make a society more valuable and elegant rather than make a society destroyed.

20501008 Jeong-Hwan Kim

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