2008년 3월 21일

Immorality CEO

1. Fact
April 2007, the CEO of Hanwha Group, Kim Seoung Hyun was sued by violence. After this case, all the media was investigationg what really happened and this fact gave a lot of negative influence. Everybody was taking about this fact. The facted turned out that CEO Kim attacked the waiter in the club, who was is fight with the son of Ceo. After the judicial decision he was enforced to voluteerly work 200hours for social services.
2. Influence
The CEO is a person who represents the company and for that reason he should be morally mature and think about what kind of influence he will affect through his actions. For these reasons CEO Kim’s actions was carelessness and gave a very negative impression to the public.
3 Consequence
Marketing is about giving impression of their company to the consumers. People easily think that marketing is only about advertising, selling and giving information. But, from this case, I think differently. Giving impression can be from employees and CEO. So, I think that CEO shouldn’t just concentrate on advertising but be careful on their behaviors.

20700748 Han Lee-Jee

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