2008년 3월 14일

SK Communications’ User friendly Services

“Using NateOn, we can enjoy everything”

These days most of Handong students communicate and chat by online messenger ‘NateOn’. There are a lot of people using this program, it is usual to log on to Nateon and spend time with many ‘resident’ friends. To prepare a team project, it is also very common to join in NateOn, team members communicate and share information on online.
One thing I want to say is that this messenger program is only a small part of marketing strategy of SK Communications. There are many operation divisions in SKC; Cyworld, empas, Nate.com, etoos, egloos. As to find out what is a main business, actually NateOn is only a tool to mobilize people to their main business.
However the importance of NateOn is enormous. NateOn gives privilege to their members, that means, members can easily enjoy other services of SKC. Other people who are not the member of NateOn could not get along with members of NateOn and cannot use other services which SKC offers their own members. (Actually now, everybody is NateOn member)
NateOn offers many functions to their users. Almost all of those functions are functions that are useful to communicate with other people. Most of those techniques are compatible with telecommunication and online portal sites. Of course those are SKC’s business. For example, using NateOn, you can send a message to your friend’s mobile phone by PC, and you can also visit friend’s ‘minihomepi’ or blog by one click.
I think the key point of success of SKC and their operation businesses is connectivity among those businesses. And NateOn organizes at the center of them. From the establishment, SKC keep develops more and more about user friendly programs. And those programs are all connected technically each other. This is what the marketing success of SKC is.

by Jeon Keong Won (20400520)

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