2008년 6월 6일

20501008 Entry #13

Name That Firm
What should you call your business?

Josh Robbins of Geckotech

It's not necessary to spend a lot to come up with the right name of the company. But it is necessary to follow some guidelines.
The first step is usually pinpointing the company's unique value or service. People always ask where the name comes from. The image became a metaphor for the firm's creative efforts. Sometimes, an idea for a business can be so unique that the name comes easily.
To change the company's former name or to find a new name, the company tapped its own talent.
Indeed, companies trying to create a unique brand sometimes err by choosing a name that describes too closely what they do. When a company tries to describe its services, it usually makes the company sound generic. The names of many successful companies don't describe what they do. Names that describe a company also require a greater investment to promote the name in the marketplace. The only way how to do that is through repetition. Company has to get people to see it many times. To convey a unique and fun approach to an otherwise dry and complicated technology is important. For example the movie, Gordon Gekko, the callous Wall Street titan played by Michael Douglas, had a better ring than other names in the movie. It changed the spelling slightly, and added "tech" to the end.
The best way to gauge the effectiveness of a small-business name is to find out how it resonates with people outside the company. To research a new name for the company, asking to 10 customers and 10 vendors about their perceptions of its original name and services is a good way. Only a few correctly knew it was a generalized design firm.
An Internet domain name should be closely related to the company's name and make sense to users. For example, when http://www.dm-i.com/ came out, People just couldn't remember it, and had difficulty typing it both as a Web and email address. Many people surfing the Web don't look for corporate Web sites by remembering a domain name. Instead, they type the company's name into Google, and then click on a link that is listed.

hen the company launches its business at first, finding appropriate name of the company is the most important thing I think. As you can see at this article, name of the company has a strong influence on clients’ understanding. So, if the name of the company is wrong, many clients wrongly assumed. Furthermore if the name of the company does not give an impression to clients, it would be a loss of the company. Clearly, a better name was needed so, owner needs to find appropriate name of the company. As the author said, to find the unique the image became a metaphor for the firm's creative efforts. Also, we can avoid the ordinary thing by choosing a name that describes too closely what they do and a company tries to describe its services. It can gauge the effectiveness of a small-business name, and a company could get reaction from clients. Finally, company has to make a domain of the webpage easily. If clients had difficulty typing it both as a Web and email address, they do not remember at all. Many small companies don't understand the basics of choosing a good name. To give an impression, people should find a name memorable and easy to look up, either in phone listings or on the Web. The easier a name is to remember, the more it will benefit from referrals. Similarly, a name that's hard to spell makes a company hard to find. I always type the company's name into Google or Naver, and then click on a link that is listed. To make the clients keep logging on the website, easy domain name is necessary. If a company keeps all of these rules, customers will remember the name of company and keep the relationship with that company without oblivion.

Annotation; Name That Firm, The Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2008

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