2008년 4월 18일

Myspace of Mobile? Entry #6 - (Jung Won Kim 20700158)

A young industry called "MOZES" has started a system that is attracting consumers and advertisers at the same time. They have set up a network system where anyone or a small group can set up a text-messaging platform for free. They are specifically targetting the music industry. If a person wants to get text information from their favorite music artist, all they have to do is type in the name of the artist to MOZES, and they would get free texts from the artist. The texts would be discount deals to concerts, or just personal messages to their fans. The goal of this young industry is to not to create a community, but to create a branded network. What they are doing is trying to create a myspace of the mobile network. They want the consumers to not even think about other competitors but type in the artist's name right away onto their mobile phone. This group is very innovative. They have jumped into a business where it is not very well marketed yet. They are not paying any extra money to advertise, but they are letting the consumers and markets come to them. If this concept catches on, their would be thousands of music artists wanting to be in this network, so that they could advertise their concerts and other events, and the network would be paid enormous money for every artist that would want to be in the network. The more artists in the network, the more consumers would appeal to this network and ultimately it would be a cycle. All MOZES is doing is building a bridge between these two groups of consumers and advertisers. They are letting the consumers and advertisers come to them. I think the most important strategy behind this story is the fact that they are trying to create a branded nework. If you create just a network, the network itself will be only valuable, but if it is branded, the people will first think of the brand "MOZES," before thinking of the people involved in the network. This project seems to be doing well, and I was very impressed at the strategy and creativity of the founds of MOZES.

Source: http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jul2007/sb20070725_384383.htm?chan=search

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