2008년 4월 10일

Technology: A big part of marketing.

In USA, many gas stations are adding new technology to their sevice. They are installing devices where the customers may pay their bills by just swiping their driver's license. All they have to do is
enter their bank account number and their driver's license number.
Then it automatically links your driver's license magnetic card to your bank account, so that everytime you swipe your card the charges may be credited to your bank account. This is a really good idea, both for the consumers and the suppliers. Also, by using this transaction system, the customer may get a discount and the supplier can also save on their interchange fees. Technology in this case made management and marketing more effective for the customers. By promoting the conveniece and the discount fees to the customers they may feel like the trip to the gas station is not a hastle, but an easy chore. They won't need to go into the store and pay their bill, but they can do it right there in front of their car. This kind of technology can be used in many fiends of business and marketing. By making products or services more practical for customers to use, it promotes a more friendly concept of the product or service. Professor Abraham said in class that Apple when they were in their primary stages of development came up with the smily face idea on the monitor screen when the computer was turned on. After this transition he said that many people using the computer for the first time were not intimidated by the product, but actually felt like they were welcomed. It is interesting to see how so many things affect our feelings, moods, and values on certain products or services. Technology, in this case, raises the value of the service that attracts more customers to find gas stations that have such services. I thought that this was an excellent marketing strategy especially in a time where gas prices are inflating up the roof.
Jung Won Kim 20700158

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