2008년 5월 16일

Facebook's Big Facelift by Matt Vella "Jung Won Kim (20700158) Entry # 10

Summary: Facebook has recently announced that they are going to improve their layout on the site. Facebook which has been started by two college students have become a success over the past years. Once which was a college startup has become a corporation worth billions of dollars. Recently, facebook has been criticized to be becoming more like myspace, a site full of spam mails, and messy page layouts. What facebook has done is add a personality of the person to the site such as adding applications and other tools that may aid the person in communicating oneself to other faceboook users. Facebook will "facelift" their site by organizing the layout, separating the personal info page, with other gadgets such as games and other utilities, making it a more clean, cut looking site. Designers of facebook are saying the restructuring of the site is only "skin-deept." The layout and typography of the site will remain the same, the only thing that will be touched will the division of information, so that it will be more organized.

Opinion: I think that this is a wonderful identification of the problem and an attempt to solve the problem. Most corporations have problems whether it be a small one or a big one. The difficult part is identifying those problems and attempting to offer a solution that it may benefit the organization and the consumers. In this case facebook's consumers are the daily users who want to form social networks around their world. Personally, as a user of facebook, I have noticed these problems and was always annoyed by such problems of gadgets and tools in the site interfering with my personal page. Facebook obviously is on the right track in improving their industry and trying to attract more users for the growth of their corporation.

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