2008년 5월 23일

Johnson & Johnson's Big Design Challenge (Journal Entry #11 - Jung Won Kim 20700158)

Summary: Johnson and Johnson is faced with challenges with their products. Being knownas products for anti-pimple, cleansing, foam and other hygeniec products, Johnson and Johnson have been tryng to improve their field of Marketing. There were much struggles as the company produced products that looked tacky and medicine-oriented. When Chris Hacker came into the designing department, all of that was changed. Chris Hacker said that there needs to be more strategic ways to get customers motivated to buy the product. Chris Hacker also created a huge think-tank for Johnson and Johnson, where it is composed of 120 persons who came up with ideas of how the packaging would be done, and what kind of improvements could be made with the product. Hacker stated that what Johnson and Johnson had lacked before was the field of "expertise." Hacker also has proposed a plan where 30 percent of the products are made of post-used materials. Overall, Hacker has brought an innovative way to package, market, and attract customers in the field of design.

Opinion: Most companies and organizations struggle mostly problems, not the same problems as we do about doing the laundry or taking out the trash. Most of these problems consists of blockage of ideas and lack of problem solving skills. Many people know what the problem is, but they cannot define it specifically, and they do not know how to solve those problems. What Hacker did in this case was define the problem specifically and hired experts that were more advanced in the field than he was. That is what companies and organizations need to do. A lot of CEO's and leaders have a pride issue and believe that they can solve problems of their organizations, but the truth it is far more productive and efficient for a CEO to hire people who are more skilled than they are in a certain field or division. Hacker has done a good job of marketing what their experts have thought of in order to attract customers with their newly designed packaging and ideas and design.

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