2008년 5월 2일

Blog Entry #8 "Sports industries and marketing -" - Jung Won Kim 20700158

I have always been interested in sports and love to be engaged in sports all the time. I think the reason for this is because I am an active person. I played rugby and soccer in high school. Every since I got involved with sports in high school, i became interest in the fashion of sports. I always wanted to wear sports clothes, always wanted to wear athletic shoes, and of all the products, I needed to have those nikes. In class, while we were watching the video on Nike's success, it hit me quite hardly. Why did I need those nike shoes? Why did I need that pair of sneakers that had a swoosh sign on it? It was about brand inequity. Ever since the 70's it is said that Nike has had deals with sports stars, and in the 80's a major increase in sales happened for NIke because of the deal with Michael Jordan, portrayed as many as the best player to ever played the game of basketball. Once Michael Jordan started to wear Nike's everyone wanted one! It make a link or formed a relation between the lay man and the super star! Nike's executives knew how to advertise and promote their brand by linking their products to hero's of the modern times, such as Michael Jordan. Every kid who idoled Michael Jordan wanted a pair of Nikes. Not were the executives aware of the brand inequity but also the emotional ties that were affililiated with the product they promoted. If a customer becomes emotionally attached to a product in one way or another, the executives knew that the customer would have to get them in all costs! I think this is a very inspiring and motivating case for a business student. Seeing how a small start has become so successful just by using good marketing strategies and knowing the customers is very inspiring.

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