2008년 3월 22일


Jung Won Kim 20700158 - Blog Entry #2

Pixar has come out with many award winning flims such as "Toy Story", "Finding Nemo," and many other animation films. Pixar previously worked with Disney with its animation films. Pixar was in charge of creating the animation, and Disney was in charge of marketing and distributing the product. In 2004, after long sequences of disagreement Pixar declared not to work with Disney more. Ultimatly, Pixar was bought by Disney. Disney currently has full ownership over Pixar. It seemed really effective how Pixar and Disney worked together to attract as much as consumers as possible. In our generation it seems that it is most effective when companies work together using their strenghts. In the past it seems like companies had to be competitive with each other in order to attract as many as consumers as they could. I don't think this method is quite effective in a world where everything is moving at such a fast pace. I hope that missionaries would be able to integrate this method also in the mission field. If missionaries work together with local churches and local pastors I think they will be able to do so much more for God's kingdom. So many missionaries are so competitive with their and are so conscious with the numbers that they forget that ultimately their work is for God. For me, missionaries competiting with each other is kind of the same concept as different different departments competing under the same company. In order for the company to be successful, they need to be able to work together with one purpose in mind. This model of Pixar working Disney in order to be most effective can be followed by many companies and even in the Christian community where we can contribute our strengths and help each other in our weaknesses.


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