2008년 3월 14일

Marketing Yourself

During our marketing class, one of the things that Professor Abraham Lee said made me realize something. Marketing does not only apply in the business world, but it also applies to our daily lives. We market our selves, by the way we speak, by the way we walk, by the way we handle things. People look at our simple mannerisms and create a perceived value for us as individuals. When we make a mistake, people deduct our values as a human being. This was a very interesting fact for me. The way we carry ourselves in the society actually has a big impact on who we actually become. There are many great ideas out there that never get noticed because of lack of marketing skills. This concept also applies to us as human beings. We could be talented and skilled, but if we do not promote ourselves, our image, our talents will go unnoticed. It was just interesting for me that marketing was intertwined in our lives ever since we set foot on this earth.

20700158 Jung Won Kim (Moe)

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