2008년 5월 16일

20501008-Entry 10

Advertising: Think Before You Speak

Your ad may not be saying what you want the target audience to hear. The same is true of advertising. We don't truly communicate simply by speaking to someone, we communicate only if they understand what we mean for them to know. The trick of creating effective advertising is to get inside the skins of your target customers, to see your message through their eyes and hear it through their ears. It doesn't matter what an advertiser intends to communicate, what matters is how the target audience interprets the message. Don't just put an ad out there because it sounds good to you. You may like what your advertising has to say, but that can be misleading. You, after all, aren't the target. In fact, since you know so much about your products, your industry, your competition, and even your own good intentions, your reaction may be as far from the target's as it can get. Study the people you're trying to reach. Get to know them. Understand their attitudes and perceptions, even if you think they're incorrect. And don't just say what you want to say.

First of all, I want to talk about the title; Think before you speak. It's a kind of a slogan so, the 'SPEAK' has a lot of meaning. In this article, the meaning of speak is advertising. So, before we make an advertisement, we have to think more deeply. To advertise in customers' perspective is the thing what we have to consider. The target of the advertising is customers, not me. If we make an advertisement with a word or slogan what we like but customers don't like, there will be no impressions for customers. The advertisers have to consider the customers' hobbies and interesting. So, to make an advertisement more effectively, we have to make an advertisement in the customers' perspective. we have to put ourselves in customers’ shoes.

Advertising: Think Before You Speak; Business week, by Steve McKee, January 11, 2008

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